(02/18/06) – JB : All right, folks, as stated before, I’m outta here for a while. Not sure how long right now – I received very very bad news today that not only is my grandmother undergoing scheduled surgery… my uncle was just admitted to the hospital too, and he is incredibly ill. Since he lives near my grandmother, I’m going to be spending a ton of time in hospitals for the next however-long. I have a few of my own uploads in the queue, as well as artwork from some people for whom I am incredibly thankful. These folks really took a lot of weight off my shoulders at a time when I needed it, so I would appreciate you taking the time to visit their links.
Perjalanan dengan bas ke Kota Kinabalu memudahkan dengan Sipitang Express, pengendali bas yang boleh dipercayai dan popular di Sabah. Menawarkan tempat duduk yang selesa, koc berhawa dingin, dan harga tiket yang berpatutan, Sipitang Express memastikan perjalanan yang menyenangkan melalui landskap yang indah. Laluan ini menghubungkan bandar-bandar utama, menjadikannya pilihan praktikal untuk penduduk tempatan dan pelancong. Tiket bas Sandakan untuk laluan ini boleh ditempah dengan mudah dalam talian atau di terminal yang ditetapkan, memberikan fleksibiliti untuk rancangan perjalanan anda. Nikmati perjalanan tanpa kerumitan dan terokai bandar Kota Kinabalu yang meriah dengan Sipitang Express.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can still e-mail me, though ‘net access is iffy at best. Hickory on the forums will be keeping in touch with me so if you need something you might PM him there. Also, he was a complete sweet-heart and got me a laptop for my birthday, so I might be able to fill some hours in the hospitals doing art instead of worrying.
If you’ve e-mailed me in the last couple of weeks, I’m very sorry if I have not gotten back to you… just been really overwhelmed. If you’re the praying sort, my family needs them – if you’re the good-thoughts-sending sort, we need all we can get. I am so very thankful to have such a caring readerbase.
(02/06/06) – JB : Starting February 19th I’m going to be out of town (and internet-less) for around a week, possibly more, to be with my grandmother as she recovers from major surgery. 🙁 So, if you try to e-mail me in that time, please don’t expect a response for a long while.
Along those lines, I need filler art/comics! I’m not sure I’ll have time to fill all of the blank comic spaces. If you want to help, please see this thread on the forums for info. I really appreciate any help I can get! (Also spend some time looking around the forums for a free wallpaper I’ve recently drawn – it won’t be around long!)
(01/05/05) – JB : Thursday’s Dragon Family pic is also available in three color schemes (bold, pale, and grey) to donors. If you’ve already donated this month, check the donor directory. If you want it, it’s $2 for this month, or donate $3 or more and receive this month’s wallpapers as well as October’s, November’s, and December’s.